tattoo aftercare
Your tattoo was carefully and professionally created. To ensure maximum healing results, the aftercare and cleanliness of the tattoo are crucial. Please follow theseinstructions to help do your part of the tattoo healing process.
things to do…
Wash the tattoo with clean hands, warm water, and mild antibacterial soap. (DO NOT USE BAR SOAP)
Pat dry with a paper towel. Apply a thin layer of non-colored, non-scented lotion. (Aveeno Daily Moisturizing lotion recommended)
Repeat this process morning and night or after any heavy sweating, dirt, grease, or outside elements. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
things not to do…
NO Swimming, soaking, suntanning, for at least 14 days. Showering is fine, but no soaking. Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo. Lotion application can help relieve itchy healing tattoos.
Please follow these simple instructions to ensure maximum results. DO NOT do what your brother, mother, sister, friend, or therapist did for their tattoos. These basics are tried and true.
please contact us if…
Please contact us should you have any questions or concerns from here on out. Any deviation from this healing process that results in poor healing and follow-up work will be at the client’s expense Enjoy your tattoo!